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True earth GB South has reset my flight controls to default?

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Hello again Chaps,


I am wondering why True Earth GB South has reset ALL of my CH Eclipse setups to default...!??!


I mean last night I was flying around in P3D as normal with no issues.  I shut down my computer and decided to purchase True earth GB South for i am enjoying True earth Netherlands so much...

After going to bed and letting the computer download TEGBS overnight I got up this morning to see all was downloaded and looking good. I shut down the computer to head off to work for the day looking forward to getting in to some TEGBS when i got home.  Besides the long Loading times experienced -explained in another thread- I was astonished to find that ALL of my settings for my CH Eclipse yoke have been removed and my "Key assignments" for are all back to default!?!  

Has anyone got an  explanation as to why this would have happened and how would I get them back please...?



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