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Prepar3d v4.5 will not load Orbx Regions.

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The other day I did a flight to KAVX Catalina Airport , no problems' a very nice flight.

A few days later I decided to fly from Catalina to Santa Barbara.  I started P3D v4.5 and loaded up Catalina airport.  Instead of loading in full screen mode it loaded it in windows mode and when I clicked on views to open up full screen mode the computer screen dimmed and then shut down P3D.  I then tried to create flights in all of the regions I own and the same thing happened.  However If I open an Orbx airport that is not part of a region (KMBS as an example) it works fine.  Also if I fly in non Orbx regions using Global Base Pack, OpenLC North America and Global Vector I have no problems. 

Has anyone else experienced this????  I have spent the last three days trying to solve this.



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