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Failed to load visual effect

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My P3D v4.5 lists the following error in ContentError.txt:


error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_Orbx_YBBN_red"


And I don't even have that region active in my scenery, let alone the YBBN product.


Any ideas?



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Hello and welcome to the forums,


These  missing effect file errors can be hard to track down.  Any Orbx product can use any Orbx effect.  First make sure that you in fact have the effect. Look in the Effects folder for a .fx file by the name above.  If it's not there,  make sure your Orbx libraries are up to date. Verify files if necessary.


If the effect file is still missing, it might be installed by a specific Orbx product rather than by the Orbx libs and that need not be YBBN. I usually have to disable sceneries one by one until I find the one responsible.  If you find a specific scenery, use the verify files option in FTXC3 for that scenery.  I'll stop here in the diagnostic process for missing effects. Try these steps first.


I should mention that on rare occasion I have had what appear to be missing effect false positives with content error reporting enabled. It's primarily intended for developers.  If I'm not noticing anything missing, I turn the error reporting off.






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