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What is the worst that could happen (disable PNW)


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Hi, so far I have bought FTX Global and PNW with a view to getting a number of PNW airfields. I had intended to build a new PC next year to replace my current 9 year old one, however it looks like I will have to shelve that plan for the time being. Whilst I have no performance issues with the individual airfields (thanks to the extensive configuration that enables me to basically disable all the power hungry features), I had no such luck with the actual PNW product. It basically kills my performance dead in the water and there is no configuration control panel to turn any features off. So it is something I would much prefer to go without (except for the mesh that comes with it) until I do build a new machine.


But in the meantime, what is the worst that could happen if I keeping buying these rural PNW airfields but only have the PNW mesh enabled in my scenery library? From a brief fly around Darrington, it obviously did not look as good as it would with everything turned on, but it still looked much better than I thought it would. It was really only a few things such as a few textures that were not right and (of course) where the airfield area "boundary" crosses over to the "generic" PNW product.


So if I cotntinue to do this (buy the airifleds and just have the PNW mesh enabled only), would I likely to encounter any serious issues down the track, or would things just be similar to my experience with Darrington? Obviously when I do finally build a new PC, it will be powerful enough to turn everything on, but as I say, I doubt I will have the means to build a new machine for quite a long time.

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