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Help with additional monitor!


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Hi Guys and Gals,

Just some help please with an additional graphics card that I have installed to use as a secondary graphics card to run an additional monitor for GPS etc.  This thing is doing my head in!!

I have a GTX 285 graphics card which I would like to use as the main graphics card.  I also purchased and installed a Nvidia 6200 PCI card to use an additional monitor (now all up 3 monitors to run FSX)

My system is recognising the 6200 as my primary graphics card. When I run FSX I get an error message saying that the 6200 does not meet the requirements to run FSX.

Does anyone have any idea on how to switch the stupid thing to recognise the GTX 285 as my primary display adaptor??

All suggestions are greatly appreciated!


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Right click on your desktop and select "Properties" at the bottom then the far right "Settings" and in the Check boxes lower left tick use this as primary in the GTX285 . your done.

You might like to actually check that the PCIe is set primary in the BIOS too.

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Right click on your desktop and select "Properties" at the bottom then the far right "Settings" and in the Check boxes lower left tick use this as primary in the GTX285 . your done.

You might like to actually check that the PCIe is set primary in the BIOS too.

Mate,  sorry to be a pain, can you post a screen shot for me???


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Crickey I thought I explained it pretty well.

OK Select the Properties Tab from the Pop-Up that appears when you right click on a vacant area of your Desktop.

Posted Image

Then in the Properties Pop-Up select the far right tab Settings

Posted Image

Then finally click on one of the indicated Monitors listed as GTX 285 Screens and select "Use this device as the Primary monitor.

Posted Image

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Ok,  Here is what I am seeing.

Under windows 7 I don't have the drop down list where I can select the graphics card.

Posted Image

If I click on Advanced,  I see the below.  To me the main display is already set up as GTX 285 graphics card.  I don't know why it is not picking this up as the main card.

Posted Image

When I try to run FSX I receive the below error.

Posted Image

I have no idea how to resolve!!


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Right Click on the Desk Top and select the Resolution option  Now in the Top right  of the upper box click on the Identify button, this should pop up another set of options..

Now with the monitors identified Select one of the monitors that belongs to the GTX 285 and below on the left there should be a box labeled Make Main Display.

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