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TEGB South P3Dv4.4


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Before I start I should advise of my computer status.

Win 10 Professional, i7 6700K,  16gig Corsair Vengeance 3200 RAM, EVGA Titan 6Gig video card and as main HD - Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB  (1000 GB, SATA-III).

CPU and Video card have not been overclocked.

I am considering updating to 32gig Corsair Vengeance 3200 RAM  and  Intel Core i7 9700K, MSI MPG Z390 GAMING EDGE AC Motherboard within the next week.

I installed TEGB South P3Dv4.4 basically just after it was released. Installed without any problems.

Started P3D V4.4 , disabled FTX EU Eng and loaded at EGKK (active runway) using my saved graphic options.

To put it mildly I was disgusted with the result which was no better than a beta release. Similar sentiments as posted on these fora.

So like many others  I have over the following days tried all variations of my settings including those of JV, Nick and other members.

Nothing suited my perception of what I required and today was contemplating  seeking a refund.


I then looked for member's screenshots of TEGB South in the appropriate forum but they were basically non -existent except one.

Member (Andy1252) had posted several screenshots and his graphical settings.

Adopted them all and noticed a large improvement with the onscreen display.

Then I decided to introduce some of my setting over a period of about 10 -12 minutes.

My test :

EGFF active runway, summer, fair weather, 12.15pm, Traffic%  65,25,25,10,10, low, alt 8000feet, No Active Sky,no Cloud art, no Navigraph.

On climbing through 4000 feet I started adding my options. Let those settle and ran for approx 40 mins.

During this time blurries and stutters if they were present was of little to no concern.

I took a screenshot (15.2 mb)  after approx 30-35 minutes.  https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipN-ymHCYoEWyYFUsmdtSLfo7Ikx-jjf9Du0IzbO

For some reason link to screenshot seems slightly blurry compared to original.

I hope this information is of some assistance and will suffice until Orbx comes up with a Control Panel and a solution for the Autogen and Scenery

and draw distance problem.


Noel Southam



My Settings:







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