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KSUN anomalies, elevation, parking problems

Roger Dodger

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After installing KSUN I have a few problems. I have many ORBX regions and airports and this problem is a first for me. I have spent hours today trying to resolve this and suspect it might be a simple matter but I cannot fathom what is going on. I had everything sim-wise ticking over really well before this morning.


On initial load, of KSUN, there were elevation issues. I saw a mess of holes and cliffs around the runway. I tried Vector AEC, enabled and disabled, for KSUN.


I installed and reinstalled three times. If I load KSUN from the P3D startup screen I have no choice of parking or gates but do see the runways listed. If I let it load to the active my aircraft loads above the airport and takes a dive downwards. I verified the CRM region files. I uninstalled KSUN, loaded the default P3D airport and now have elevation issues there as well. I reinstalled and the airport appears to be intact but again no choice of parking and the aircraft (Stinson in this case) again loads above the airport, then does a Messerschmitt :lol:


I have deleted the .cfg and loaded again but with the same problems. I tried different ORBX airports and everything, with them, seems to be ok.


In the Scenery Library there are two KSUN entries, which have greyed out boxes. I cannot move either of them. One is above all the ORBX entries and is identified as D:\P3Dv4\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSUN\Scenery. The other is near the bottom of the library just above Default Terrain and is D:\P3Dv4\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSUN\WorldScenery. All my ORBX files are actually located on my C:\ drive using a symbolic link from D:\ORBX (my flight sim SSD) to C:\ORBX (other SSD).


I have no other KSUN airport from any other vendor. I have no idea what to do to get KSUN running correctly.


Any help would be very much appreciated.




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Hi Roger,


Sorry to hear you're having problems.


Can you confirm that once above the airport that everything looks as it should?


Due to the nature of the sloped runway model, the start positions are a little different to what you would normally expect. You should be able to select active, 13, 31 and then North, West or South parking (off the top of my head). If those options aren't available then something's gone wrong.


I note that you've re-verified the CRM files. If you've done this after installing KSUN then it's likely that there is a file you'll need to disable manually (it gets disabled in the airport installer but the verification will reinstate it). The file in question is \Prepar3D v4\Scenery\World\scenery\ADE_FTX_CRM_KSUN_elevation_adjustment.BGL. Rename the file to remove the BGL extension and it should be ignored.


Give that a go first then try loading up the default Maule and see how you go. Check what start options you have available. If it's still not happening for you, post a couple of screenshots so that we can try to figure out what's happening.






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Hi Greg,


Thanks for a very fast response. Your suggestion to rename the file seems to have done the trick. I loaded the Maule and did a flight over your scenery. It looks fine.


I should have asked earlier in the day rather than struggle through losing flight time around this wonderful airport airport and scenery :D


I really appreciate your help. Terrific piece of work, I think this will be a favourite.




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