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What have Idone to my scenery area?


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When I fire up FSX, I get 'Addon Scenery  in scenery area 116 not found.'  OK, usually no problem, so I go to the library with deletion in mind. But this has appeared at the top of the list: 'Enable-scenery area-priority.'

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Alarm bells ring! This is something  I dare not touch without expert advice. I suspect I must have boobed somewhere when looking for Addon scenery\scenery. So only myself to blame. But if anyone out there can suggest how best for a technophobe to handle this, I'd really appreciate it. I've read that a cfg delete can sometimes solve problems, but it sounds rather scary to me...

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'Enabled-Scenery area-Priority'  Those  headings are always there, perhaps you just never noticed them...  They are perfectly normal, and standard. What scenery is ENABLED- with a check in it's box,  the Scenery area- the name of the add on,    and  Priority- it's number on the list...

  Good luck!


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From memory there are 3 Three scenery.cfg files  one in FSX one in you as the User and One in the Default user directories  you need to remove the 116 entry from each of these.

Now in W7 and Vista this is a BITCH due to UAC and in many cases individual folder permissions.

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