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Loving autogen at Extremely dense

Guest J van E

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Guest J van E

Man, nothing is nicer than FTX with autogen at Extremely dense AND smooth graphics! :P :P :P Not just above huge forests (which look great during flying but don't make the nicest screenshots  ;)) but everywhere: it just adds to the realism, the feeling of being there! Flying low and slow has never been better! :D Here are some shots from a short trip from Mount King William III to Interlaken Private Strip. (Click for bigger pics.)

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These aren't the best possible shot, but yoo often I just forget to press the V-key.  ;)


Here is a pic of a forest I passed: not a very interesting pic, but it clearly shows the incredible amount of trees down there. The road is almost hidden by the trees, which is real nice and realistic. At lower autogen settings those roads stick out too much. Again, being able to fly above this with smooth graphics is a dream come true! :)

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Guest J van E

Ah! When you can handle it, it is indeed great.

Well, to tell you the truth, a week ago my computer (i7 920 @ 3.3 and a GTX285) couldn't handle it, but after making some changes it can! No need to tell I am VERY HAPPY with the change! :)
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Guest J van E

Well, I have no miracle tweaks, I am afraid. :P For me it helped a lot to change the videocard settings from quality (using nHancer with NickN's settings) to performance (using the nVidia control panel). And to use 1680x1050x16 instead of 1680x1050x32. 

A lot of people seem to think NickN is all about performance, but his videocard settings are mostly about quality. I set ALL settings to performance as much as possible and to tell you the truth I can't see a difference, apart from FSAA (using ingame FSAA now, which is btw still quite good). Going from 32 to 16 also seemed to help a little.

And o yes, I almost forgot: another important one (and rather a pity) I stopped using the ENB addon... With the fps I have it just made a too big impact.

These simple changes helped me to go from Dense to Extremely dense. (Apart from this I already had bufferpools at 500000 and I use the limiter at 25.) Even with these 'lower' settings everything looks great. Heck, thanks to the Extreme autogen it looks better! ;)

My i7 920 runs at 3.3 so that's not too much. I also don't have AI (I always fly alone above the bush) apart from 15% cars. All in all everything is setup to make VFR (bush)flying with Extremely dense autogen possible. ;) I do have water at High 2x though!

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Guest J van E

Well, thank you. ;) Hopefully it works for you too: but as always, when it comes to FSX tips and tweaks: YMMV. ;) But I am quite happy with it because up to now trees were my biggest problem: I could get nice results above other areas, but when it came to forests, performance dropped. And since I like to fly above trees that was a problem.

I don't know what really did the trick, I guess it all added up, but right now performance is better than it was when I used DX10, oddly enough! BTW I was told a color bit depth of 16 doesn't look to good at night with clouds, but since I always fly VFR in the bush, I almost never fly at night, so... things look great at 16 and it should help performance a little. Or much...? Maybe I should do some tests and compare various settings to see what really helps most (16 vs 32 or low videocard settings or maybe simply not using ENB does the trick), but I am sick and tired of testing and I am happy with what I got now, so... I'll keep it this wat. ;)

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Some nice shots in there J.

And it proves one important point: one needs to setup FSX to HIS OWN liking and type of flying! You proved you reached a nice balance for your type of flying (which is quite similar to mine) and you are happy about it.

This is the one thing people must remember when they go crazy with tweaks, etc (or when one starts to follow the recent epic threads on AVSIM): You have to set it up for how YOU fly the most! And that is no matter what super machine or setup you have.

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Guest J van E

This is the one thing people must remember when they go crazy with tweaks, etc (or when one starts to follow the recent epic threads on AVSIM): You have to set it up for how YOU fly the most! And that is no matter what super machine or setup you have.

Yes, I also notice that hardly anyone says in those tweak-topics how he or she flies... high or low, fast or slow, above rural area's or bush... and also, do you stay in the VC all the time or rather outside of the aircraft? And what are your priorities? I like water at 2x High because I want to see those clouds and mountains reflected in the water when I am flying! Others are even satisfied with water at 1x Low...! And others refuse to fly without AI while I really don't need that. All those things really make a difference!

Right now my performance isn't top notch around huge cities (though good enough for me), but it is great above the bush: it used to be the other way around, more or less, and for me it's great as it is now! But that won't say it's great for someone else. ;)

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Great pics, J  :)

Ive always been a big fan of lots of trees.  i think they really make low level flying interactive and more realistic.

Ive traded off cloud reflections for a bit more GA AI.  My system is fairly well pushed.  Big cities bog me down a bit but not too much.  when I increased my ground texture resolution I was forced to decrease cloud draw distance.

At first I was having grey textured aircraft but dropping the cloud draw distance back one notch resolved that issue. I try not to mess with it too much.

I may give that 16 bit thing a try.  I tried DX10 and got worse performance.  It works for others and thats great but its not for me.  maybe trees and DX10 dont get along.

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Guest J van E

Well, I don't think only setting FSX to 16 will be the 'tweak of the year' ;) , but together with other changes (I'd try setting the video card to performance instead of quality!) it might help! For the time being it's always a matter of choosing your priorities... I guess in a year or two or four or six we will all be laughing about everything we tried to get FSX going, while we are flying above FTX Europe with a smooth fps of 180...  ;D

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