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Glacier Park Issues


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Had GP working fine since the issues I had in September.

After the update and the SODE install everything went south again, duplicate airport, floating scenery, etc:




Interestingly, after de-installing GP an ORBX folder search for KGPI brought up multiple KGPI files (more than 20) and among them was the one below. Deleting this one fixed the elevation issues (or so I thought):




Library insertions correct, libraries up to date, Objectflow checked, etc. Worked back installing layer by layer till everything ORBX is uninstalled and still have the duplicate field. Additionally, there are random floating jetways around the scenery:




Decided to re-install the 4.4 Scenery and with nothing ORBX related now have snow covered airport, duplicate airport, some jetways floating around and some of the GPI parking lots still visible (right of the main terminal):




Summary of steps to date:

- Installed update and SODE

- Verified GP files- it did find some files to repair

- De-installed and re-installed GP

- Removed everything ORBX (including Base) one at a time and checked between each removal, including running Vector AEC each time till I removed that

- Searched P3D folder for KFCA and KGPI files and removed anything ORBX related

- Started P3D- duplicate airport still there

- Repaired 4.4 Scenery

- De-installed and re-installed 4.4 Scenery


Any help greatly appreciated. I admit to some frustration now with GPI since both times I've installed I've had serious issues. If I can get rid of the duplicate airport I'm leaning towards not re-installing. It's a shame because GPI is my all time favorite place. I love that area so much it was my default start for years.






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This is resolved. Removed everything ORBX from the sim, de-installed and re-installed 4.4 Scenery, re-installed everything ORBX and Glacier is now correct. BTW, it looks great with the update.




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