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tap tapini airport elevation corrections problem


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the aircraft is not in good position. (see file attached)

I Have used AEC  (automatic)

Unable to use manual AEC.Icao code (AYTI)  does not

appear in the list

I have installed Holgermesch.

Pls help me

Your prompt reply will be very much apreciated.

Best regards



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Hi there, 


Make sure you have the PNG Holgermesh


And set the mesh slider to 5m


The auto-AEC would have taken care of any Vector related issues, the airport code is TAP by the way


Also its advisable to turn off the P3D dynamic autogen vegetation, it is very resource intensive, and wipes out most of our custom autogen, the checkbox is next to the autogen slider, requires a restart of the sim

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Tapini is displaying properly now from looking at your image, the elevations look correct


Is it your starting location that is odd? if so then you may have some conflicting software... 3rd party scenery like RawGrit, or airport data programs like 'fsaerodata'?

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Hi again,


There should be no runway 9 if you choose TAP in the go-to menu, Only a choice of a starting spot 1, or an active runway, both will place you here at the top of the runway:



So you must have some 3rd party APX for TAP or AYTI and/or you are choosing AYTI in the go-to menu, try searching your main sim folder for AYTI, any results may help point to the culprit


Be aware that all the airports in this package are sloping bushstrips that follow the terrain, not actual flat FSX-type runways, we turn those off


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