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PAKT & GSX elevation issues


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I flew into PAKT for the first time today.  I opened GSX and chose Gate 1 and  the marshaller was a 100' high and not anywhere near the gate.  I chose Gate 3 and he was floating above the Terminal.  There was also an Alaskan Airlines tail sticking out of the concrete beside my plane. 1363246107_PAKT-GATE1c.thumb.jpg.5491fb728f532ee2e6819b875c66d4f2.jpg I tried using the Elevation Configuration tool but PAKT wasn't in the list.838447556_PAKT-GATE1b.thumb.jpg.93771c7e76762f272eec1becff03b18e.jpg8261743_PAKT-GATE1.thumb.jpg.eb07b432f0c45ff2843233dbc759bc07.jpg

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