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KSBA area pauses


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Hello - Wondering if someone could help point me in the right direction for a fix. I have ORBX KSBA Airport Scenery along with the other usuals...Vector, So Cal. I am experiencing several long pauses in the vicinity of KSBA. The worst pause, which last about 3 to 5 seconds, is experienced  taking off on runway 7. This long pause begins as I clear the runway...what would be a approx. a couple hundred yards from the beginning of runway 25. I have a strong rig the can chew through some heavy scenery...this area shouldn’t be a problem for me. Very perplexed on the cause. Now what really makes this odd, is this pause still occurs when I deactivate the ORBX KSBA Scenery...the other Orbx scenery mentioned are still active. Hoping that someone else my have experienced this and found a fix?




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This'll be hard to tell, since the pauses aren't caused by the KSBA scenery but by something else in the area. Do they still happen if you disable SoCal as well? Try that by unchecking all the entries with 'SCA' in the scenery library.



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Hi Misha - I appreciate your responding. Tried your suggestion and found it had no impact on the pause. I guess it does not appear to be an ORBX related issue. I simply have no clue where the problem could be? Your KSBA Scenery is outstanding and hope to find a fix soon to enjoy it to its fullest. 



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That's unfortunate...do you have any other scenery in the area that might be causing it? A good tactic to find the culprit is to disable all your addons then re-enable each one one by one and see when the pauses appear. This includes AI traffic addons, as they often come with files for airports around the world.



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