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P3Dv4 going to background process


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I reposted this, as the previous topic was marked "Resolved", but really there was no solution there, except, maybe a hit and miss approach, and I could not find a real solution anywhere on the web.  Maybe this is applicable only to my installation, but I could recreate the problem over and over again.  My conclusion is that P3D V4.4.xxxxx does not like some folder names, maybe it is the length or spaces within the folder name, could be the use of an underscore between words could help, I see the "_' is used often in folder names..


What I posted in the previous topic.




So, this may be crazy.  I have just switched over to P3D V4.4.16.27077 and I only own 2 Orbx products, Australia and Hervey Bay + some Orbx freeware.


P3D was running perfect until I downloaded FTX Central, then the above problem raised its head. 


I spent hours chasing this problem and now I believe I have it fixed.  P3D was starting and was running in the background as process. Eventually,  after trying all solutions I found on line, and none worked, I resorted to my own dying computer skills. Working backwards.

I removed the folder Orbx ObjectFlow 2 from "My Documents" and bingo, P3D started in an instant every time out of dozens of attempts. 

I replaced it, and the problem came back.

Next move was to check the xml file within, add-on.xml, can't see a problem there, so off to the  v3.3.3.0 folder and I could turn off Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll by using Central, and I left it off and still the problem remains.

So, back to the add-on.xml file, renamed it to off and the problem persists. Delete the xml file, problem remains, delete the Orbx ObjectFlow 2 folder, problem gone. Rename Orbx ObjectFlow 2 to ObjectFlow 2, replaced add-on.xml in the folder, turn on the Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll file and sim boots every time without fault.  Rename  ObjectFlow 2 to Orbx ObjectFlow, problem returns.


So my conclusion is that P3D does not like long folder names or with a space or something, not an Orbx problem ?? or is it !!

I have another addon, A2A in a folder just named "A2A" and i works every time too.


So, there it is, for what its worth, hope it helps out.  Maybe it was just my installation.







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Just a quick note, the problem came back, I checked the Addons folder and the "Orbx ObjectFlow 2 folder was back. 

I realized I had run FTX Central again, and it replaced the folder. I deleted it and again the problem was gone.

So, don't get caught, after running FTX, check your addon folder !






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