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Hardware Problem?


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Hello ,first i would like to thank the Orbx team for the quality of their products(you have definitly change the way we fly in FS).

I m living in Paris,France,and hope one day you will release some scenery products for the old continent.

I have read a lot about shimmering,tearing and texture problems in all the dedicated forums and i still have problem with both FS9 and FSX.( for 2 years now).

I ve just bought a new computer (see specs) and tried  all the recommended settings in both FS and Nhancer ( nick from simforums  for exemple) and still no change (even with combined 32,supersampling 4X4 ,AF off/on etc... )

i can see no differences at all (the FSX textures especially runways markings,trees ,poles are jagging or tearing in flight and on the ground(DX9 of course)).

FS9 is better but same tearing problems depending of the position of the plane ,the zoom factor and the light.

My card is a Gainward 285GTX 2GB, ive tried many cards like ATI 4870, 280GTX,8800GTX,even a old card like nvidia 7 series ,many OS (XP,vista 32 and 64)

and nvidia drivers,changed HDD ,memories ,LCD screens,updated Directx versions,

It appears also whatever the version of FSX (Genuine,sp1,sp2,accelleration) and in both FS9 and FS9.1.

help will be  really appreciated.(i will post some pictures)

Thank you

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Bonjour titibou,

Bievenue a les forums du FTX ;D

As to your questions, let me first point you to the subject that fs9 and fsX don't like it very much to be running on the same system, the why is in the innner workings of MS and it seems that no one can give a definitive answer on that one. I must honestly admit that I have left fs9 some years ago so not sure about the workings of that with new soft- and hardware of today.

As for fsX you have a more than adequate system to run that with W7 64bit very nicely :)

I am currently using the 196.34 beta drivers and they work a treat I must say, my system is not in your league but I use the following setting via the nVidia controlpanel and with the redone HDR tweak and the following settings fps locked to 30 it runs smooth as the proverbial babies bum here

my settings with my gtx285ssc 1 Gb are as follows:

in the 3D settings panel under programs select the fsX.exe

Ambient Occlusion  = not supported for this application

Anisotropic filtering = 16x

Antialiasing - Gamma correction = on

Antialiasing - Mode = Enhance the application setting

Antialiasing - Setting = 16xQ

Antialiasing - Transparancy = Supersampling

Maximum pre-rendered frames = 4

Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration = Single display performance mode

Power management mode = Prefer maximum performance

Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimisation = Off

Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias = Clamp

Texture filtering - Quality = High qaulity

Texture filtering - Trilinear optimisation = Off

Threaded optimisation = Off

Triple buffering = On

Vertical sync = Force off

in the game I have AA ticked and Anisotropic and set framerates fixed to 30 on my 22"monitor with 1680x1050x32 res














AG = Very Dense

Water= 2x med

AI-GA= 50%

AI= 50%

AP traf= min

road traff= 11%

boats= 35%

ships= 35%

mesh = 10m

tex res= 7cm

Hope it helps to get things a bit better for you

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Thank you for your quick reply, ive tried your settings on Nvidia cp only right?(no nhancer) and i still have the same problem(everything is flashing ,and shimmering like hell)with 191.7 driver.Iwill give it a try with your beta driver (downloading now) .Let see .....

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Mon Brave

You may need to force Vsync ON as off can cause tearing as you are using DX9 (it doesn't work in DX10) and try it with Triple Buffering (ON and OFF).

It also sounds like AA may have "not taken" in FSX for some reason - have you tried just the nvidia control panel without nHancer? and try in FSX settings: Filtering Anisotropic with Anti-Aliasing ticked.  The 182.50 drivers provide a good basis for a stable driver for FSX, but like Wolter I use the 196.34 and they are  great.

In FS9 under the [Display] have you tried MipBias = 4 to 8 (it's hit or miss in FSX).

In FSX try DX 10 preview to see if there is any change - it works well on my Win7 machine.

Are you using the default in-built monitor scaling settings or the ones in the nvidia control panel?  It might be worth trying one or the other?

Have you tried the i7 and the video card at standard clock speeds ie no o/c?

Is the monitor used for FSX/FS9 run at the "Native Resolution" of the monitor and this is the same as setting for Win7 OS?


Peter H ;)

PS I saw some great French scenery the other day on Simmarket and I guess that Adrian will also have a similar package.

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First, i would like to thank everybody whos trying  to help me with this problem

I ve uninstalled both FS9 and Nhancer from my computer

uninstalled previous nvidia drivers/reboot/safe mode/driver sweeper and ccleaner and reboot

196.34 installed

desktop and FSX in native resolution =1680x1050x32

My system is in C:

My FSX is in E:

Both are SSD (ive have already try to install FSX in C:)

ive tried also not to overclock my system

Ive tried the settings you have suggested in the nvcontrol panel but unfortunatly it didnt cure anything

whatever driver im using  the settings in nvcontrol panel doesnt help(still shimmering and tearing)

Do you think it can be the way that Nvidia is installing the driver in my computer.

On my system HDD(C:\) i have different NV folders

C:\Nvidia = DisplayDriver=196.34

C:\Programfiles=NvidiaCorpo=3Dvision and Physx

C:\Programdata=Nvidia=Nvapps.xml , Nvsetnative ,Nvstarted ,Resource.dat ,Resourceold

C:\Programs=NvidiaCorp=Control panel Client ,Display,Uninstall

Would you please check if its correct?

Thank you

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My win7 settings for the nividia driver are similar to yours.  ( i have PhysX/3D disabled in the nv control panel).

One suggestion what is being reported under Device Manager\Display adapters\your card \properties\driver\version? 

Is it showing something like

I guess that you checked your fsx.cfg file to see if you multiple entries for your video card?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, but i think the first numbers are dedicated to French Driver dont you think so?

Ive installed and uninstalled drivers and still the same, I gave a try to newest nv drivers 196.21 and the nv control panel doesnt seem to work for me

it is still flashing in the distance and textures are tearing (refresh rate ?)

I have made a test without Matrox on a single monitor,no results

somebody have an idea?

thank you

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