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Notebook SSD Drive

Ryan Mason

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With the arrival of my new notebook imminent I am looking into SSD drives, I have a couple of questions for the tech savvy

Can I run an SSD and 7200 RPM drive side by side as either seperate drives and the SSD as C drive or in raid or does that not work with 2 different drives

If raid does work, will the 7200 drive drag down the SSD and make it pointless having

At the high end I am looking at 2 128GB SSD's in raid, has anyone tried this?

Here is the one I am looking at for price, speed compatibility


Feedback appreciated.

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As far as I am aware Ryan the PC is going to "See" the drives as drives with no regard to whether they are Spinning Platter or SSD and to be honest I would not mix them anyway , you would be always waiting for the slower drive to catch up.

In reality the Lap Top couldn't give two hoots what they were, you must have a LOT of room to be able to put two drives in there to start with.

Yes the 7200 WILL undoubtedly drag the performance down and secondly the speed gain would be negligible running RAID using SSD's anyway in a Notebook even though the I/O speed is now pretty fast I seriously doubt you would see any advantage.

Now if I had to mix the drives I would install the OS only on the Regular drive edit the registry to move EVERYTHING else to the SSD to my Programming and that is ALL programming to the SSD. The OS and ONLY the OS on "C:\" .

Your Call

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Do not get that drive, it's a bad choice as far as SSDs go. The Corsair P-series drives use a Samsung controller and this page will tell you why you should under no circumstances get one. This sentence sums it up -

I talked to some of the vendors who ship Samsung RBB based SSDs and got some sales data. They simply can’t give these drives away. The Indilinx based drives outsell those based on the Samsung RBB controller by over 40:1.

If you don't want to splash out on an Intel X25-M, which most SSD people regard as the best consumer SSD, go for a a drive with an Indilinx controller, I have a G.Skill Falcon II and it's great value, but other popular Indilinx-controlled drives are the OCZ Vertex and Agility, the Patriot Torqx and the Corsair X-series.

You will get the most from an SSD by having your OS and programs on it, then any data (videos etc.) on a conventional HDD. I have Windows 7 plus all the programs I use on my 64GB SSD and it takes up less than 20GB (thanks to tweaks such as turning off System Restore). So I have plenty of room to install FSX if I want to (but I don't, I tried it and FSX didn't seem to load that much faster, yet it took up 30GB which I figured could be better utilised by other games, given the limited capacity, but if you're going for a 128GB drive you'll have plenty of space for a huge FSX directory).

Check out these performance numbers I got when I benchmarked my drive -

G.Skill Falcon II 64GB SSD - Samsung F1 750GB conventional HDD

And so ends my first post on these forums! Well, first proper one anyway.


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Ryan, I too am using an "Indilinx" controller SSD - OCZ to be precise, but be aware that OCZ are going to "jump ship" to an alternative controller.

I have a Sony Vaio lappie with 2 "drive bays" and a pair of OCZ drives to go in there, but the BIOS does not seem to have an entry for disks which can be "got at", so I'm still on the supplied 512 GB spinners.  Interestingly, this [internet only] lappie is fitted by me, with an SSD, but it's only SATA 1.  The Vaio is SATA 2 and, under WEI, gives the same "score" on each machine.  I have emailed Sony Support a couple of times, but NO reply in a couple of weeks now.  "Customer Service?"  Yeah, right.


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It might also pay to hang on a little while. I read on Tom's Harware Guide of the new Generation Drives by OCZ that will increase the speed dramatically.

They were talking of a first quarter release, so should be just around the corner.

I have the Intel G2 (awesome drive, but I still think a bit small at 160Gb) and am waiting for something a bit bigger, so i can throw the Intel in my laptop I'm using to write this with.


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