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Twelve Apostles


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Having arrived at Apollo Bay a couple of days ago, I just had to take the Twelve Apostles heli-tour...

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/883/fsx2010020113094675.jpg

Rather stupidly, they let me handle the controls. There are good reasons that this shouldn't have been allowed. very good reasons!

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8128/fsx2010020113183738.jpg

First of all a quick stop at Cape Otway to drop off some stores. Hitting the helipad (careful choice of words there!) was hard enough - forget facing into the wind!!

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/9063/fsx2010020113325265.jpg

And so on to the rocks...

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8278/fsx2010020113330035.jpg

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6277/fsx2010020113345774.jpg

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/9365/fsx2010020113381580.jpg

I can't imagine why, but the other passengers were begging to be let off here. Muttering something about they wanted to walk back!

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/8259/fsx2010020113412994.jpg

There were closer views of the car park, but I can't show those, in case it comes to court.

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2613/fsx2010020113422454.jpg

The copilot kept muttering something about "I have control". Well, duh!

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/9877/fsx2010020114032889.jpg

Remember I mentioned the cows in the paddock at the end of the runway last time? Well, they sure can run!!

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/2473/fsx2010020114050008.jpg

Not a conventional landing, must remember to slow for the hard right at the far end

[img width=1160 height=309]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/3584/fsx2010020114052143.jpg

"Park here: That's close enough - we'll walk the rest of the way." Hmm...

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Fantastic story and pics mate, thanks for sharing!  Reminds me of my attempts behind the controls of one of those "Metal fatigue circling an Oil leak" machines, except nobody walks away from my landings I am afraid.  :D

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Ok, where did those rocks come from, certainly not standard FSX and I've flown that route with FTX and haven't seen them either. Is that Ant's scenery or something and if so, is the sign at the start of the GOR there, too?


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The sign was modelled but had some issues, I am hoping to have it done plus the parking area for 3.1, this area is close to hcornea, myself and TommyG's home areas so hopefully there will be a little more to fill the area for 3.1

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