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New WS Monitor


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I am looking at upgrading my monitor to a HD 24†WS – an LG, an ASUS and a Viewsonic are in contention. The existing Viewsonic VX922 will go to my wife to replace a CRT Monitor and free up her desk real estate.

The new larger monitor will be useful for photography and other things so the interest in upgrading is not purely for FSX.  At the moment I am quite happy with the graphics in FSX (after a lot of tweaking) and I was wondering what impact a larger screen size might have on the quality of the graphics in FSX. Is more data required  from the computer  to produce the larger picture on a larger monitor and if so is this going to have any appreciable detrimental effect on the quality of the graphics in FSX? If so I may have to consider a smaller size.

Also my understanding of the use of a wide screen monitor is that in outside spot view I should be able to see further to either side with no elongation of the wingspan, in VC simply a wider view and in 2D cockpit the round instruments will probably be stretched sideways to give an oval shape. Is this correct?

All monitors that I am interested in have both a DVI-D and a HDMI connection as does my GTX275 graphics card. Is there any advantage in using a HDMI connection instead of the DVI-D connection?

Sorry for the all these questions but I have never seen a wide screen monitor hooked up to FSX.

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I use a TH2GO and 3 22" CRT's have the Wide Screen Aspect line turned on with no issues  BUT the instruments when Clicked on pop up oval shaped as you elude.

In your FSX.cfg  in the [DISPLAY] section make sure the line " WideViewAspect=True "  is as shown.

There is no more data for a wide screen image than a conventional, certainly not that I have seen. I have run a single 22" CRT v 3 X 22" and seen absolutely no difference in perceived performance.

Having a good Vid card helps as it can keep up.

You will find the advantage especially with PS that you can have your centre of the monitor with a decent sized image your working on and have the Tool Bars either side without really encroaching on your workspace.

You can also use the second graphics port on your Vid Card to run a monitor with your preview on it :) .

In reality HDMI outputs sound and Video signals where DVI is Video alone. they both support the same resolutions.

A wide screen however is far superior to a HDTV ie LCD TV simply because there are far more pixels on a PC monitor than a TV 

HDMI is DVI with the addition of:

    * Audio (up to 8-channels uncompressed)

    * Smaller Connector

    * Support for YUV Color Space

    * CEC (Consumer Electronics Control)

    * CEA-861B InfoFrames

HDMI is backwards compatable with DVI but not the other way around.

Have a bit of a sniff around with Wikipedia and you'll find a lot of the answers you seek.

At the end of the day it means nothing to the PC since your new wide screen is going to be of a higher resolution than a HDTV signal.

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