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What’s a QWL file.


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Been trying to download some liveries for the BA 146 Aircraft from Qualitywings which I have just bought for P3Dv4. But been having trouble as my Vibre Antivirus keeps saying their website not secure. Have allowed it in the settings but still no go, and have contacted Quality Wings support. Did switch off my Antivirus but then it downloaded the file as the above and not a zip file. Is there anyway to change that ?. Derek

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Hi Derek,


They are Quality Wings livery files, installed through their livery manager.



Scroll to the bottom.


And just reread your post and you obviously know it's liveries, sorry. It's early here and not enough caffeine on board yet...:)  They never download zipped, at least for me,


Hope this helps.

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Hi. Thanks so I need to get that Liveries manager which I did not see. Thanks again will have another look on their site, plus can not remember them saying about a Liverie mananger. What’s the weather like there, cold here. Keep drinking the coffee. :D

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Right just found out it’s the Dispatcher I need so just loading P3D and the aircraft to find out. Right ok just found the Dispatcher in the start menu and that’s where you change paints and fuel. I will learn one day. Derek.

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