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Expensive doorstop


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My new computer which has been propping my door open for a while now shat itself in 40 deg heat, the CPU was overclocked to 3.8 ghz and the RAM from 1300 to 1600.

We had a power blackout and when the power came back on, a message saying "CPU fan error" was flashing up.

The CPU fan by the way is some monstrous after market thing with a massive heat sink.

After CPU fan error, press F1 to continue, the next black screen comes up with "missing operating system".

With no where to go from there obviously, i'm stuck for ideas. But I do have a nice breeze coming through all the time now.

A mate of mine suspects a dodgy motherboard cause I had problems with it not recognising hard drives and what not.

Any ideas on that one before I rip it apart and buy a new mobo?

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If you are getting "something" then it is more likely not MOBO failure.

It is not finding the boot partition on your HDD.

What configuration: RAID etc.

If non-RAID .. then resetting the CMOS settings might get you going again, but obviously you'll have to establish you overclocking again.

If you have a RAID0 array - I have concerns that your volume has fallen apart (although another possibility is that the BIOS has lost the RAID settings)

Time to Press_Del on bootup and explore the BIOS settings ... make sure the HDD is set for boot, and that the appropriate disk is detected and listed first.

A frustrating journey of discovery awaits you .... good luck.

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