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What's the giant red "X" at KMBS?


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I bought KMBS back when Turbulent released it, and got around to reinstalling it via FTX Central today -- and finally exploring it a little.  I really like it so far!

BUT, I am very puzzled by a giant red "X" hovering over the field out near the crotch of the two main runways.  Anyone else see this?  Is there some purpose to it, or is it simply a glitch?


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It looks like you've still got some of the files from the original version installed. The red X is an indicator that SODE is trying to load something that doesn't exist.


If you haven't already, run the uninstaller via the Windows control panel. Uninstall the old version won't affect the orbx version. If you've already uninstalled, go to your C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\sdx folder. Delete the files that relate to KMBS from that folder.






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