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Carenado Mooney exterior


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A little help please, I loaded the HDVC panel and installed as instructed.......but I made a copy of the default red Mooney before I started......then did the install for the exterior texture, but when changing the cfg. file, it would not let me SAVE this change??.......I have the default exterior and the panel (says SOH (?) in the panel, but all kinda dark) ............just wondering if anyone has a fix for this, should there be a special RED version and the default red version if all gets installed properly??............thanks, B42L8

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if you keep the "original" and the altered files in the Airplanes folder you will have a conflict as you need to edit all the Aircraft cfg file entries for the Money to make sure they cannot conflict with eachother.

best is to backup the original one to another place, ergo crate a folder called Hangar and place it there for safe keeping

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I moved the original file to the hangar as you suggest, B"UT, it still would not change the CFG file but have the panel so just will leave the original exterior, that's OK

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem in Windows 7 with changing this .cfg file.  I get the message 'Access is denied' even though I believe I am signed into the PC as the administrator.  I have not had issues installing any of the other Orbx packages.  Any ideas?  Something about setting permissions for the folder, maybe?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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