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Your transaction ID / receipt number is 5aeb9f029f8ed.

KHAF Half Moon Bay Airport

I have just purchased this product from you the latest of many I have purchased,however this time i had to give my address although I paid by a visa card.


I have never had to do this before and I am concerned about the security aspect.Before it was only my postcode not address.

Please advise me as to why this method has been introduced.


I use Paypal for all my other purchases and it has been a long time since Orbx was stopped from using paypal and I feel that it is about time orbx fell in line with all the other main suppliers allowing us to use paypal which is very secure.

                           Regards Chris

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John thank you for your swift reply.


However it was not the PP issue I am concerned about it is the difference in the credit card ,debit card format where before it was only your postal code that was required now it is the full address.This worries me from a security point of view.

                              Cheers Chris

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