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Eef Klaassen

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Yesterday 25-04-2018, I purchased ORBX Netherlands True Earth. Order 5ae05403072c0. I have a serious ORBX problem, which is however my own fault, but I need your assistance to solve it.

I downloaded via FTX Central. It started also the installation. I did not realize that it was more than 70Gb. During the installation I slowly realized that so much space was not available on my SSD and now the SSD bucket is so full that the Mb's are floating over the edge. I carefully checked my SSD contents and deleted several things, but there are so many files from which I have no idea if I can delete those without harming other programs.

So I got a lot of messages that ORBX could not instal files due to lack of space. And if the installation cannot be finished, I also do not get the option of un-instal.

Now my question: Can you inform me which files from Netherlands True Earth I can delete from the P3D-V4 program, so that I can create some SSD space again and than from there I can see/decide what to do.

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there is an more easy way to check , when you look which files have been changed or added on the date of your

broken download you can easy trace back orbx zip files.

because they have filenames you never see with other zip files, this should work.


I am not sure if half installed programs can be uninstalled, because files are incomplete.

but may Nick can give some info about this.



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