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Help confirming FTX AU Traffic installed ok


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I just uninstalled MyTraffic X and thought I'd give FTX AU Traffic a go. However, I'm not sure it installed ok because:

  • The installer said it installed ok, but Win 7 reported that it hadn't.
  • The FTX AI Control panel has a single entry that reads "FSX Default Traffic (disabled)". There is a greyed-out tick in the option box next to it. The description text says "You should always untick this box when you use FTX AI Traffic in Australia", however I am unable to un-tick the box. Nothing happens when I click it.

I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me if this seems right. Some other info that may be relevant:

  • FSX.CFG has an entry "SimObjectPaths.6=ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAI_AIRCRAFT"
  • Within FSX, the Scenery library has "FTXAI_TRAFFIC" as Priority 2 (FTXAA_HOLGERMESH is first)
  • The Scenery/World/Scenary folder includes a file called "trafficAircraft.bgl.passive" (I read in another post that there should be a file called "trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI", but there isn't).

Thank you!


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If you rename the file "trafficAircraft.bgl.passive" to "trafficAircraft.bgl" your control panel should work. That 'passive' addition may be a leftover mod from MyTraffic X.

I wouldn't worry too much about Windows 7 telling you the program hadn't installed correctly, I get that message with virtually every installation I've done on W 7.

Have you had a look to see if you have any of the FTX AU Traffic yet. If you have none, we may need to look in your Scenery/World/Scenery folder as I think you may have one or two FS9 Traffic files there.

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Thanks for taking the time to help.

I had a quick look in sim and there was a handful of local airlines dotted around the terminal buildings - Qantas, Air NZ, Virgin. I assume that's a good sign!

Should I still rename "trafficAircraft.bgl.passive" to "trafficAircraft.bgl" ?


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It depends on whether you will ever want to see the FSX default traffic as Microsoft set them up.

FTX takes them out of play by adding '.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI' to the file name but still allows you to switch them on or off with the control panel. For the CP to work though, the file must be named either "trafficAircraft.bgl" or "trafficAircraft.bgl.DISABLED-FOR-FTX-AI".

I assume MyTraffic X do the same by adding '.passive' to the default traffic file.

If you don't think you will ever want the FSX default AI traffic file, (all those Orbit, World Travel and Pacifica airplanes) then you can leave it as is. That will be fine.

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