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P3D v4 crashes aufter install ORBX Pago Pago

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Hello !

I have a problem with the ORBX scenery NSTU!

whenever i install the scenery as every other ORBX addon , i start the simulator  ,click OK  and no matter wich airport i take the simulator crash immidiatly without any error message!

Then when i unistall it the simulator runs correct!

Any ideas what canbe the probleme here!


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Hi guys,


I've not had any reports before this for crashes at NSTU, so something is changed with the sim environment for you


Which version of P3D are you both running?

Do you see working windsocks?

Do you currently have any AI packages installed (ship or aircraft)?

FTX Vector yes/no?

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I am running P3d v4.2 with Active Sky, Ultimate traffic, FTX Global vector FTX Global Base , GSX, POI, AI carriers, VFX Precept FX, FSUIP 5, Haze Gray Fleet, Global AI Ship Traffic P3D

I have loaded the sim with addons disabled and even deleted the Generated files 

Slewed around cannot find the wind sock. 



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On 3/15/2018 at 6:41 AM, dankel said:

Slewed around cannot find the wind sock.


You should see a windsock next to each runway at NSTU, and at least one within view of all the other runways in the project (NSFA, Z08, FAQ, NSFI, NSAU, NSMA)

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The type of scenery contained within the Samoan experience is the same as most other Orbx products, except for two boat-traffic files in P3Dv4/Scenery/World/Scenery:





You could try disabling these as a test in case they conflict with the other AI, though I am pulling at straws here

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having a similar issue at Pago Pago, I get a CTD in P3d v

No 3rd party AI

No Global vector, just base, and Australia and NZ North Island


The Crash usually happens near the runway, or out over the water when the NSTU loads the rest of the islands work. Tried it with both addon and default aircraft.

 I use Windows 10, No error in the eventviewer log, P3D will freeze for a few seconds with sound (hang) and then Drop to Desktop.


NSFA seems to work ok.


Any suggestions ? Will look for the windsock at other airports in the scenery.


Jon Bailey

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Hi Jon and the others


Not sure what the issue is as I've not been able to reproduce it myself, and as peoples systems differ so much with the addons in use its hard to pinpoint something exactly, as of today I only know of the people here in this topic having an issue


I would suggest turning off all the AI sliders in P3D and see if that makes a difference, and also make 100% sure you have P3D v4 compatible programs installed only, I know some of the old AI addons may not be compatible, or may have updates that require action, in my experience P3D can be rather fussy


Try also searching for 'NSTU' in the main P3D folder and note anything outside of the Orbx folder, it may be possible there is a conflict APX



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