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Hi Having a small problem with all a/c at adelaide int.All was well until i installed FTX Au traffic Version 2.0.

Have restored my system to windows image prior to traffic and is ok there.

Installed traffic V2.0 again and same thing happens.This only happens on startup of FSX.If i then execute GotoAirport i can get on the correct runway.Any help appreciated.cheers flylow

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This looks to me like an APX issue.

Is Adelaide Airport your default airport at startup? If so, are you using the default APX (AFCAD) or have you added a custom one?

Do you have an Adelaide scenery pack installed?

Either way, this will be an easy situation to resolve once we have a little more info from you.

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Hi and thanks for the early reply.

Yes Adelaide airport is the default  aport also default is the Tower.. i dont have  anAdelaide scenery pack.Only scenery addons i have are utx europe and all the ORBX payware.Havent installed the freeware versions yet.

cheers flylow

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Well I am at a loss to explain why you have that situation. An overhead screenshot of the airport both before and after installing the FTX AU Traffic pack would have been helpful, however it is probably too late for that now.

What has happened is the airport layout (the APX) has changed from when you saved the flight at Adelaide which is now your default start location. I do not believe there are any APX files included in the FTX AI Traffic pack so do not understand why the layout has changed.

The fix is quite simple though. Go to Adelaide Airport and slew your aircraft to the new position you wish to start from and save the flight overriding the current Adelaide saved flight. Tick the box to make that your default flight and all should be ok when next you start FSX.

I like to start my flights ‘cold and dark’ so if that is how you prefer to start, then make sure you cut the engines and turn everything off before you save the flight.

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Posted Image

[img width=933 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1259960232.jpg

Hi Graham,Images are from1.outside top down view of a/c on runway 2.outside top down view of tower.

When i load the flight(adel tower) all is well -get usual views.

Then  i select an a/c from within FSX and find that the a/c is placed within the tower (see my first image).

If i shut down FSX and restart it i no longer have the problem.

Note i previously had the Adel Twr selected as default flight.

I notice  on page  9 of the user manual for FTXAU Traffic there is a note"There is a bug etc etc"Maybe this has something to do with it.

I have not really gone into saved flights before so have a great deal to learn.Will also try the "Cold and dark"

Great software and THANKS flylow

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I think I have a better understanding of the issue now.

Whenever you start FSX, unless you change the Current location settings, your aircraft will always start from the exact position as defined in the default flight. In this case, the position of the control tower. While it is fine to save the tower view flight, it is not appropriate to make it the default as every aircraft you select will start from that point unless you also open the Current Location panel and choose a new starting point.

This is not a bug but how FSX was set-up to work.

I set my default flight to be in my favourite aircraft starting from a specific parking spot at my favourite airport. If I wish to have a quick flight, I just start FSX and without making any choices at the opening screen I just commence my flying session. For a bit of variety, I sometimes select a different aircraft or time of day.

I also have some Tower View flights saved at a few airports which I select when I want to just do some plane spotting.

I hope this makes sense


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