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My new PC has arrived!


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Hello there!

My new PC arrived yesterday, and I'm extremely impressed with it! If you want to know the specs, please look in my signature! It was custom built by Wired2Fire who have offered excellent support in setting it up over the phone, they were even willing to help me with a product that they didn't even endorse or sell!

Anyway, it runs FSX like a dream, and soon I shall purchase the mighty FTX!


Jack :)

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Thanks very much Wolter! I cannot wait to get FTX and go soaring over the Australian Land! Hopefully FTX will be purchased within the next few weeks, just gotta pray that the FSS don't run out of Boxed Version YSTW!

Also, do you know of a section of the FTX website which gives you the Reccommended Settings for FSX?


Jack ;D

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Heya Wolter, thanks for the reply.

I'd rather not adjust the cfg. file yet, however do you know what settings I should have on the autogen/scenery complexity/etc sliders for good results?

Thanks very much,

Jack ;D

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Hi Jack,

attached my fsx.cfg, DON't plonk it in your system, just use it for comparison reasons ;D

my settings with my gtx285ssc 1 Gb are as follows:

in the 3D settings panel under programs selected the fsX.exe

Ambient Occlusion  = not supported for this application

Anisotropic filtering = 16x

Antialiasing - Gamma correction = on

Antialiasing - Mode = Enhance the application setting

Antialiasing - Setting = 16xQ

Antialiasing - Transparancy = Supersampling

Maximum pre-rendered frames = 3

Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration = Single display performance mode

Power management mode = Prefer maximum performance

Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimisation = Off

Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias = Clamp

Texture filtering - Quality = High qaulity

Texture filtering - Trilinear optimisation = Off

Threaded optimisation = Off

Triple buffering = On

Vertical sync = Force off

in the game I have AA ticked and Anisotropic and set framerates fixed to 30 on my 22"monitor with 1680x1050x32 res,

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attached my fsx.cfg, DON't plonk it in your system, just use it for comparison reasons ;D

Hi Wolter,

As has been pointed out our systems are fairly close in performance spec. I downloaded and studied your CFG file and noticed some differences between yours and mine.

I don't know how to upload a link to mine, so here is a summary of a few of the differences I noticed. I don't know which is better, only that they are different in these regards. Do you know what the variances mean?


Even though I have Acceleration I do not have any entry specifically mentioning it like you have:




Under [Main] you have:


I have:


Under [scenery] you have:


I have:


Under [TERRAIN] you have:


I have:


You have:


which I do not have at all.

(By the way, You have 800 trees per cell and I have 1800

and you have 1700 buildings and I have 1400. I think I

understand how this part works.)

Under [bufferpools] you have:


I have:


I don't even know how important some of these things are. My FSX has been altered so many times over the years it does not resemble the original very much anymore.


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Hi Stephen,

[AccelerationPack]  this one has always been there since I can remember



Under [Main] you have: gives an indication of CPU speed, no influence on fsX workings afaik


I have:


Under [scenery] you have: this indicates the minimum size of particle that will be displayed


I have:


Under [TERRAIN] you have: this indicates the Level Of Detail Radius, hence the circle around that will be displayed, the higher the further wil be displayed, you can experiment to see wich gives best results


I have:


You have:

IMAGE_PIXELS_FOR_AUTOGEN_POLYGONS=1024 this kicks the autogen trees in to a grid min16, max 1024

which I do not have at all.

(By the way, You have 800 trees per cell and I have 1800 autogen trees and houses have a pretty high impact, hence save fps when lower

and you have 1700 buildings and I have 1400. I think I

understand how this part works.)

Under [bufferpools] you have: creates a buffer for display purposes , yours is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to high


I have:


hope it makes it clearer fo you ;D

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Thanks Wolter,

I have been modifying the CFG file for years and things work very well indeed, so it is always risky to adopt or to adapt to changes since I never know where the magic formula lies buried. It is especially dangerous when I can't remember what I changed or why I changed it.

The touble with tweaking FSX is like the problem with lying.  :-X Don't do it unless you have an excellent, infallible memory or you are sure to get into deep trouble. I did however take a zero off the bufferpools without there being a noticable difference one way or the other. Thanks for the imput.


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