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HELP! My scenery apears to be corrupt

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Hi guys, I have FTX Global Base and EU Northern Ireland installed.  I originally had just the EU Northern Ireland installed and all was fine, however when I installed FTX Global Base all went wrong!!


I'm running Prepare 3d version 4.1.


My system is


i7 6700K @4.5 H100i


32 ram

Installed on main SSD

Win 10 Home

Thrustmaster Warthog ancillaries and Logitech Pro Rudders


Ok what I have done in order!


1. Installed FTX Central 3 from your site.

2. Installed EU Northern Ireland. (All was fine at this stage).

4. Installed FTX Global Base. (Scenery became very blotchy and trees looked liked blobs!)

5. Uninstalled as thorough as I could from the forums etc.

6. Re-installed p3d fresh.  (checked it looked as it should).

7. Did step 1-4 again.  Scenery definitely does not look as crisp as it should.  As you can see I have everything cranked up and frames are no issues.


Can you guys please give me an idiots guide on the steps to take to;

1.fully uninstall everything including the sim etc

2.Install / order scenery.

3.Advise what the heck I have done wrong!?


Thanks in advance








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IMG_0489 - Copy.jpg

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