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Hi Guys,

As an experiment I hooked up my LG 32" LCD TV to my PC to see what FSX looks like.

Well,the view is simply awesome...peripheral vision adds to so much imersion into the Sim.

However,the picture quality is now where near as crisp as my Samsung 24" PC monitor.

I noticed that I needed to put in a different cable (good job I already had one)

Basically it was a DVMI connector with less pins going into the graphics card and the end going into the TV (Monitor) was the bog standard RC connector.

Is there a way to use the full potential of DVMI on the monitor or does the TV have to come with that available socket??

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Depends on the TV Tuner and the connector but number of pins means nothing in reality due to the different ways they handle the video signal.

RCA input to the Tuner ie AV input is analogue and will usually be of a lower quality than DVI or HDMI ie Digital signal, BUT

However,the picture quality is now where near as crisp as my Samsung 24" PC monitor.

This is not surprising as the TV is probably only a Maximum of say 1088 X 612 and as such way below where you may have your 24" PC monitor set resolution wise.

Just because it might be a HD TV the resolution is NOT as sharp in many cases as a dedicated PC monitor simply due to the actual pixel count.

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