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East to West - 1st leg

John York

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I've had to make some concession to my desire to keep flight distances to a maximum of 200 miles for this 'across Country tour' but the rather tortuous route

I've had to plan gives me a maximum leg of 375 miles and most of them are in the 150 to 175 miles region.  At no time will I be in sight of the sea until I finish 

at Cunderdin.  I plan to do all the flights using FSX Real Woprld Weather and FSWC/REX.

I must say you chaps who live around Brisbane are enjoying fabulous weather at the moment but the wind is a bit strong.  Here are the pictures from the first leg. 

Redcliffe to Toowoomba in the Piper Cherokee;

All loaded up and ready to go

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Climbing out to 6500'

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Lake Wivenhoe but out of sight of the Somerset Dam some 18 or 19 miles to the right.

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I'll not show this detail again, but I thought you may be interested in how I tend to have my cockpit display while flying.  Any tips on what might be

better wil be appreciated.

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Nice to see someone else is with me.

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Here it is.  I'll try for runway 24 I think in view of the wind.  Better tell 'em where I am!

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This Toowoomba (2086') is such a pretty place, but can I jump the fence and get a lift to a B&B somewhere?

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I'll try to do a picture or two for each leg just to show the Countryside I'm flying over, but the aircraft will differ mainly due to the distance and conditions I

find as I go along.


Thank you ImageShack even if you did play me up a bit this morning!

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Hi Patrick

Thanks for your interest.

There's no way I'm going to fly my favourite Piper Cherokee with no AP and only doing 120 knots on some of the longer legs!  So, I've compromised on the basis of variety and practicality.  However, the restriction I have imposed on myself is that all the flights will be done in light aircraft.  It's just that some will have modern aids and be a bit faster than others.  The fastest will be things like the SIAI Marchetti and the DH Canada (or perhaps my Mooney which I seem at the moment to have lost somehow) and the slowest will be a Tiger Moth and Cessna 152.  I might even do one of the short 75 mile legs in a Foxbat, but that will depend largely on the height I have to fly.  Much of the Country I will be going over will be high desert which will rule out a microlight even if it does have a cabin! ;D


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Hi JohnY,

Redcliffe is not far from where I now live, and I trained for my CPL and Instructor rating at Toowoomba, then getting a job as an instructor at the Darling Downs Aero Club  Toowoomba, where I was working when man first set foot on the moon.

Most of my VFR Charter there was done in C172 and Mooney M21 (I wouldn't hesitate to use either for the complete rl trip across the continent then). In those day's there was a motel about five minutes walk from the airport called, somewhat appropriately, the 'Flying Spur'. The daughter of mein host there subsequently went on to marry an air traffic control colleague of mine, and we became reacquainted when serving in PNG many years later.

The memory of this trivia has been invoked by your choice of departure point and destination, but unfortunately decorum prevents me from relating the grist that makes the story live. As you progress across Australia I will be following your journey closely, hoping your stops afford more opportunities for reminiscenses, but in the interest of saving forum members from complete ennui I will refrain from posting them.

Thanks for the pics and story John  ;)

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Hi Bill

Thanks for that and I'm glad my little offering brought back some happy memories for you. 

I hope from your comments we are not going to be deprived of any scandals you may remember from the rest of my trip?!  I, for one, getting more like a gossipy old woman every day, would love to hear of them! ;D

All the best


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Nice to see someone else with the wanderlust!  ;D

My own plan is to land at every airfield in Oz... state by state!  :o

A friend with whom I was working twenty seven years ago had the hobby of having a (documented) drink at every pub in Australia, getting a staff member to sign a log book entry. Some publicans in country towns treated him very shabbily and peremptorily refused, for reasons I can't imagine. As his list of achievements grew, so did the list of available pubs, and he is still hazily wandering Oz with his by now fifteenth log book - Tim, you may have started something big!  --- Hmmm, where's that WAC chart?  8)

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