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FTX Tasmania demo - feedback and a question.


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Hi orbx guys,

Firstly, thank you for releasing the FTX demo. The work you have done is absolutely amazing. I mean, I read articles, saw screenshots, watched videos. But WOW! When you load it up and fly it yourself, it is something very different. The demo release was a very nice thing to do and it certainly got me convinced about buying a full SP3 DVD release. It is spectacular piece of work.

I would like to ask one question though. The terrrain works really well, fps sometimes even better I think than fsx textures. However, as soon as I get close to Launcenton airfield, the fps drops to 10. I read a few treads around and noticed that a few people experienced the same thing but I haven't find any solutions. Is there an option to decrease LOD only for the airfield itself? I'm using recommended settings and I didn't notice much change in fps around the airfield when I was decreasing those. This is kinda putting me off of buying additional airfields as I think I'm going to experience the same thing. Other generic airfields like Hobart works fine.

I'm running Vista 64bit, 4GB of RAM, Quadrocore Intel CPU, QuadroFX3500

Thanks again for the amazing job. Can't wait to get my full release!



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Hi Tom,

Thanks for posting your feedback on the demo, it's very much appreciated!

The quickest and easiest solution for you is to download and install the full version of YMLT V2.5, which was recently upgraded and also comes with a "Control Panel".

Grab it from here:  http://fullterrain.com/freeware.html

Now; once you've installed that version, run FTX Central and you'll see there's an entry on the right side of the GUI showing the YMLT Control Panel. Double-click it. What you can then do is disable a bunch of features of the airport which may be causing a drop in FPS.

For what it's worth, YMLT should by all accounts perform like a skun cat, since it's pretty basic in terms of the the texture load and photoreal ground sizes. Certainly I get ridiculously high FPS over the airport. One thing you could try is to unlock your frames in FSX and set them to unlimited; see how that goes. Also pull back on the autogen and set it to Normal, see if it improves things, then gradually increase it until you find a sweet spot.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you John for your support.

I downloaded the new YMLT airport, installed it - there was no issue during the installation but when I try to run the control panel, I get a msessage saying it cannot be found?

I searched the installation location and there is no orbxcontrolpanel.exe file. Any ideas?

thank you again


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