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I am new to P3D and Orbx. I have P3D version 4 and have never used P3D v 1 to 3.

I have FTX Global Base, Open LC Europe and North America, FTX Global Vector, Libraries, All the North America Regions, England and Wales and many Airports (which I cannot use at the moment because as we all know the P3D v4 final updates haven't arrived yet).

My question is do I need a 'Mesh' program for NA and Europe and if so can anyone recommend one.

Thanks, Rob H.

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You do not need a commercial mesh product. Take a look at Free Mesh...it really is free and beautiful




the package does not include the US, which is available in a separate beta version. It offers 9.5 meter pixel size....while the rest of the world is 38. I am not all that much of a techie, so I used the bit torrent download link and all went easily. It is large and takes some time. I also suggest that you use a download manager for such a large file. btw, there is a new patch available, too. I suggest you install it after you get all else up and running.



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Shermank thanks for your reply and info. I guess the answer to my question is yes I do need a mesh program but not necessarily a commercial product and to give 'Free Mesh' a try. OK.

My next question would be where do Mesh programs go in the Scenery Library? Near the bottom I suspect.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply!


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As per the dev of FreeMeshX, it goes just above all the basic sceneries in Scenery Library.


ORBX Vector adjusts all airports elevation and water body to their true values, so if you are not using a Mesh addon you will see some elevation problems. Will not be so dramatic in NA & USA because the NA & USA basic mesh already included with PD3 are not so bad. You will see a difference with FreeMesX in NA & USA but not as big as in South America by example.  Don't forget, P3D is only using flat airport runways, so by using a Mesh product, you will see some sides of some runways on a small elevation or ditch.


Below is the readme notes from the dev.

FreeMeshX does not update any vectors in the simulator. Vectors control the elevations of water bodies such as lakes, ponds, and rivers, and the elevations of airports. The mesh cannot alter these. Using FreeMeshX without a 3rd-party package to update the vectors within the simulator will result in the topography of the updated terrain to lie at different elevations while the vectors still remain at their inaccurate elevations. This mismatch will lead to artifcacts such as raised or sunken airports and waterbodies that will break immersion. Therefore, it is HIGHLY CRITICAL that the simulator's vectors are updated as well, such as through FTX Vectors or UTX, or the topography system of the simulator will be INCOMPLETE. We officially recommend the use of FTX Vectors because all of our testing incorporates it, and it uses elevations derived from the SRTM dataset, the same dataset we use for FreeMeshX Global. To conclude, it does not make any sense to use a global mesh without using any updated vectors. Likewise it does not make sense to use updated vectors without using an updated mesh.
FreeMeshX is officially supported for FSX, FSX:SE, and all versions of P3D (including 64-bit P3D).
FreeMeshX should be placed above the default terrain entries in the Scenery Library, and below any airports or FTX Regions or landclasses


FreeMeshX is free, so nothing to loose to try it. I am using it, and I am very satisfied.



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