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I use a Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition (unlocked multiplier), overclocked to 3.5Ghz.  These new chips overclock very well, and as long as you put the affinity mask setting into the fsx.cfg, you get excellent performance over the ORBX airports with all settings on high (except, of course, YMML).

I upgraded to this as I already had an AM2+ motherboard, and it was so easy (just a BIOS update).  Look at Intel - 3 different sockets, pity if you want to upgrade later on!

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Hi Steve

Find your FSX.cfg file (always make a shortcut to desktop as is easy to find after that!) and copy and paste the following:



Put this after the [Misc] entry and then you will be utilizing 4 cores ... (The JOBSCHEDULER entry does not exist in the cfg so that's why you need to copy the whole thing)

Trust that helps


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thanks vonduck except i have only dual core. So is there another value or will i see no benefit in this cfg ?

thanks for your input

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Hi Steve

No worries -try this ...


AffinityMask= (you will put 3 here as have dual core)

For 1 core put 1

For 2 cores put 3

For 3 cores put 7

For 4 cores put 15

So for a quad core it would be



Not sure if you will see any difference but cant hurt!



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I thought the use of the Affinity Mask edit was more to better divide up the power among the cores - ie it sets one core to do all the other tasks of the computer, and the rest of them dedicated to FSX.  So even if FSX is using all of them, this power may not be fully dedicated to it without the affinity mask edit.  I know my system had a significant boost over places like the YMAV carpark as soon as I set the edit into the cfg, even though all 3 cores were being utilised before.

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Just built me a new AMD 965 @4Ghz system and its great runs FSX/ FTX/ REX and other Addons very well, also considering you can now buy a Quad core AMD 965 C3 for AU $220 and clock it too 4Ghz and that its fully unlocked CPU makes its great value for money.

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