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GTX 285 2 GB


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I have just bought this card, it has just shipped and I pought to have it tomorrow or the next day. I am running Vista Home Premium 32 but will be upgrading to Win 7 64 HP in a month or so. Currently got a quad core 2.66 OC to 3GHZ via the BIOS will be going to an I7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ on an Gigabyte MB with 8 GB Ripjaws DD# inb Jan. What performance can I expect on my present system from the new card? Currently running a 9800+ with 512

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Cathy - you probably won't see much in the way of fps increase, however you should be able to run with higher AA and AF levels giving a much better look. You will need to re-optimise your settings (if you use them) as the 9800+ and the GTX285 handle these optimisations differently. Again when you get the i7 you will need to adjust them further.

On my system the 285 did not like bufferpools tweak and I had to set my TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT to a high value of 120. Again, everybody's mileage varies but there are plenty of posts with peoples experience on this card here on these forums.

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Got the new card an and it's great! I will get better results with the new system in January, however, running the EVGA OC utility, I have the card OC'd with the fan speed set at 50 and my GPU temp only gets to 48. A lot of airpports that were barely flyable are now accesible. I am wrapt! :D

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