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ENNK Update 1.10

Julio Garcia

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I don't have that problem here Julio. Just checked at different locations on runway and ramp and no sinking of the wheels with the C337.

Check your mesh settings: should be at 5m and for duplicate afcads.


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Yes, I can see the problem when i dont use 4K screen resolution in FSX. In 4K this is no problem and I have not seen this before you mentioned it. In this last update I created a special ground polygon with LODs to avoid flicker, and that's what appears to be the problem here in the outside view with 40/30% zoom. Typically, one fixes one problem and another appears.


There is no quickfix on this in FSX. If it is to be done, I have to rebuild the entire terrain-model and associated objects/buildings, vehicles, grass, vegetation etc etc to match with a regular ground polygon. The timeframe for this is not possible to say anything about right now.

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