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Project C.O.B Part 3


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Somewhere south of the border, a lone figure picks up his mobile and dials.

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At the other end, the sound of the phone ringing, splits the night's silence.

"Hello, this is Mr. W here."

"Mr. W, I am concerned about your progress with our projects. I'm afraid they aren't up to scratch."

"But, Mr. C, we are moving along as fast as we can."

"That may be so, but you forget that the launch could be anytime now and those three Projects need to be ready."

"I'm sending you a specialist. He'll be arriving there, in a Learjet in an hour.Make him welcome and get this thing finished. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mr. C." BRRRRRRR.... The phone goes dead.

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As advised, the Lear pulls up outside Hangar 51 within the hour. A single solitary hulk of a man exits and makes his way into the hangar.

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Two men shake hands. "Name's Charlie, we'll be working together."

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"Nice to meet you Charlie, here's the progress report."

"Hmm, good work, now let's get these projects finished, one by one."

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Later that night, when Mr. W leaves for home, Charlie makes a call.

"Mr. C, this is Charlie. Project's are on track now. Part 1, 95%, Part 2 90%, Part 3 Complete. Test flights booked for next week."

"Very good news, Charlie." Brrrr.....The phone goes dead.

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