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Extreme Loss of FPS along with Lag..

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Every since I got this program I have experienced  FPS loss and bad lag.. I have Global, Vector, and OpenLC NA. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 graphics card and it runs fine without Orbx but has soon has I reinstall it, the FPS loss and lag comes back.. it's really upsetting when you want to do flights and you end up crashing your plane or your system crashing due to all the lag. Can someone please help me figure this out completely???

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15 hours ago, Richard Lincoln said:



   Have you tried disabling a few extras in the Vector cfg panel? Also you need to match your sliders to your PC,try dialing them to the left to get a good balance.

What do you mean disabling a few extras?? Plus I lower them to minimal and it works but I lose stuff like airport building textures and my textures look very blurry!!

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