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Circuits at Tooradin (REAL LIFE)

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Hey guys, just thought i would share some pics of me flying circuits yesterday (11/10/2009)

It was a nice sunny day down at tooradin airport, well untill the real melbourne came in and it started raining but

i beet the rain and have a few photos i thought i would share with you, i plan to take my camera up with me next

time and get some pics from the air, i will post them as soon as i take them :)

Aircraft: Jabiru 170

Airport: Tooradin

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Cockpit of the Jabiru 170

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Checking Oil Levels

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People Parachuting, No i did not have to eject! haha

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Doing the final checks before take off, about to line up

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Flaps set for takeoff

Trim Neutral

Gauges all in the green

Power 100%


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Everything is all looking good,

focusing on white box at end to stay straight

looking ahead, stick slightly back

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And we have lift off!

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Climbing out!


Coming into land (sorry dont have any pics of touchdown!)


After several touch-and-go's it was time to come back in :(




Engines all shut down.


Quick little debrief after the great flight :)

Hope you enjoyed these pics, i will try to get some of inflight and put them up asap :)

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yes, the thrill of flying, i remember my first lesson, instructor goes "here you go kane, take the stick and have a fly, have a play around with the stick and get a feel of the plane" that moment will never be forgotten! it was amazing!

my first lesson was also in a J-160, where bouts did you do your lesson?

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yeahh money is a worry haha, for me im 17 at the moment, workin a part time job at the good old maccas but my awesome old man agreed to pay half my lessons if i pull my finger out in class and do well in both maths methods and physics mainly and other subjects but even just doing a lesson once a fortnight is great :)

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yeahh good idea, maccas is good for short term but good luck with it all man, i hope to see some pics of ya up there in the air soon man, i better get some sleep haha. good luck with the lessons man and ill try get some more pics up in the next few weeks for ya :) maybe they might make ya get back into it a bit quicker ;) haha.

take care bud.

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