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Escort..15 pics


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I hesitate to recommend it to anybody because its 45GBP or about $80 AUS and all you get is stick and rudder. Do you think that I might of wasted my money....NO. She's beautiful, flys beautiful , and sounds the best and as the developers say  " its something you will want to fly for a long time yet " they are spot on., Its great to fly but still this nagging vioce in the background saying that its too expensive....it is, but its not wasted money. I feel like I'm owning an Aston Martin...or an old ferrari ;D....'tis great mate !

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Alan, don't worry, mate.

They are some of the most visually, stunning pics I've seen for a while (fighter wise). The formations are clever and I love the lighting.

The cost is not important if you enjoy the craft, so don't give yourself a stroke, get on that $80 joystick and bang out some more masterpieces.

Great work!


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Great shots mate!  Yes, thanks to Alan, I too took the plunge, and don't regret it a bit, it is a magical aircraft and I have fallen for her in a big way.  The price is the only hurdle to get over, but if you can afford it, she is a true thing of beauty and one for every warbird fan. Thanks again Alan, I owe you a beer or two mate!  ;)

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own a Brewery....ALLRIGHT....I'll take a keg.;

Yes she's an honest bird , solid . I just like the way it naturally does its thing. The whole thing feels like its in harmony with itself, if you get my drift. Its a wholesome model. It flies properly

They say its perfection personified and EVERYTHING is clickable....well its not. When I first jumped in I clicked the oxygen valve...non operational..the pilot's mask comes on at 10,000ft ( I think).    Then I went to click a box of radio switches on lower left side...dummies. The worst sin is the supercharger does not work , although in real life and model , there is an automatic mode.  But thats about it...pretty cool really.

Its a simple stick and rudder that oozes the X factor. I love it, its got pole position in my hanger atm. It is one of those models that has its own charactor rather than being built from off the shelf.

Pleased that you like it Dale...cheers mate

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I think you own a brewery, Dale,


Ha, if only........ If I did, I doubt i'd be here plugged into this keyboard talking to you blokes!!!  ;)  But yes, I do seem to have a very long list of who I owe a beer or two too.... thank God all you buggers live a long way from me, or I would be perpetually pissed AND broke....  :D;)  God forbid we ever have an FTX get together, I'll be at the bar all night buying the rounds..  :P

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