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New install guide - complete


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Plan to acquire a full ORBX "package" for N.America.


Newbie to ORBX, have read many posts regarding scenery order and some specifics on "best way" to install certain selections. I will be loading ORBX onto a clean FSX setup, have no photo-realistic or other scenery packages, use only the following: ASN, REX W.Wide Airports, Accu Feel, F.Panels, Flight1 Citation, etc. System is ~ mid-range (i5-6600 @ 3.5ghz, SSDrive, 8G,  runs FSX very well, hardware adds dual monitors, joystick w/throttle, MFG's underneath.


I'm sure someone has a 1-2-3 step (for dummies) summarized install process for ORBX to help lead me thru global, regional, airport selected installs - but hesitant to do this wrong, don't want to mess up the install process - fairly good / mid-level confident on system management et al. This will be biggest revision to my FSX setup - want to do it best way - correctly.


Can someone point me to a link that will guide me thru a complete newbie install process - new installation, with base packages and then a few ORBX airport adds as the finish....


Thank you very much !

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Thank you ! 


Yes, viewed Jordan's overview of ORBX package manager - and have pulled & reviewed PDF files off Google searches, and read many posts regarding install..


ORBX products well detailed - just suggesting an "updated" install guide would help us `old simmers, in addition to helping your continued success delivering the product !


Look forward to the new "User Guide".

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