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Update Error for FTX Global Vector (Order No SS0507846)

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I've been trying to update FTX Global Vector (using FTX Cenral 3) and I get "an unexpected error has occurred..." with the instruction to post the ftxc3.log file.


Everything worked well initially and I've downloaded 250 MB of the files but then my internet connection dropped out during the download. (My thanks to Telstra! Yet again!). When the system was back up again I tried to repeat the download (several times) but...


Thoughts on how I can update FTX Global Vector?







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Gday Rob,



                 I do understand the frustration with Telstra mate:D Anyway, you can go into FTXCv3/Settings/Tools/ClearTemp shut down FTXCV3 then reboot it. Perhaps restart the download after that and report back with the results please.




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I have the same 'Error' issues with ALL FTX Central 3 downloads... Can someone please tell me how we can get UPDATE downloads manually... all I can find is a manual download to the full product ..... is that the update? The files are massive for just an update.. example: my FTX Central3 tells me there is an update for Australia SP4.. but it is like 8GIG! surely that cant be just an update..can it?... it seems that each time there is an update its the size or bigger than the original file...is that how the updates work? Its kind of offputting spending hours downloading just for an update.



Neil B

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/05/2017 at 4:27 PM, Richard Lincoln said:

Gday Rob,



                 I do understand the frustration with Telstra mate:D Anyway, you can go into FTXCv3/Settings/Tools/ClearTemp shut down FTXCV3 then reboot it. Perhaps restart the download after that and report back with the results please.




Hi Richard...


Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner but I've had a brief sojourn in hospital (all good now) and have only now followed your instructions...


It worked perfectly... Vector is now up-to-date! :D


Thanks for the assist...



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