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A quick top up of fuel.. (copy from OZx)


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Then back into it!

... Ok, and maybe a bit of a rest and a glass of water to get my head to stop spinning..

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FANTASTIC aircraft!!  Great model, awesome sound, incredible flight model (it'll keep you honest on your rudder, something which is missing from a LOT of FSX addons..)and good on frames!  I get a slight drop when I turn the smoke on in external view..  From about 20 to about 15.  But my computer sucks, and thats still well and truly flyable.  To give you an idea, my system is vintage 2006, P4 2.8Ghz (none of this multi core stuff) 8600GT 256mb graphics, 4GB RAM, Windows XP.

If you are even mildy interested in aerobatics, or even just like to fly VFR inverted, then this baby is more than worth the $36 AUD price tag!  Much more!

P.S.  I love this paint scheme!  Especially the "ghost" Eagle wings!

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.....cripes I didn't finish my post , got interupted and must of presses the go button  :)  What was I saying...dont matter , know of anr good aerobatic tutorials Dave ?  I want to put my new found love through it ..the Mustang.

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