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Scenery 'fragments' slow to load


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A while back Holger Sandman posted a FAQ called ' ground texture "morphing"'.

I think I have something similar that could relate to a corrupted terrain.cfg file in that I am getting chunks of scenery that progressively 'fill' up as I fly.

They are mainly just grey areas that take a time to 'fill'.

It seems to have started after I installed the latest OrbX England and Scotland - but I cannot be sure of that.

I have a reasonably good PC [i7-4790K 4.00GHz, 16GB RAM, NVIDEA GeForce GTX960, SS dedicated drive] so I wasnt expecting any major issues.

Also I am running the usual ASN, REX Soft Clouds and UT2 plus ORBX EGHI, EGKA and Aerosoft EGGP airports..

Sliders are set as recommended in the ORBX manual.

The interesting thing is that I do not get this issue at all if I am flying in areas where I do not have ORBX Scenery - eg in Asia..

So I guess my question is whether this sounds like the issue Holger referred to and if so, is the 'remedy' still as Holger described when the FAQ was posted a while back ?



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Hi Richard, here are 2 screen shots - one is out of Edinburgh, the other much more remote out of Stornaway. I used the default Cessna rather than a far more complex airplane.

What happens is that systematically each 'strange' shape fills in as it should be - followed by other strange shapes showing up which in turn fill in as I fly towards them.

The odd content of the shapes certainly sounds like what Holger was talking about in his FAQ.

As I said it only seems to occur in areas where I am running OrbX scenery. I have the latest SPs for England and Scotland installed but as yet have not installed the latest Libraries update.

If it is a terrain.cfg issue then I will readily admit to being cluelesss as to what exactly I should do next !



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Hello again Richard,

Well it looks like I have a fix !

I downloaded and installed the latest [March] Libraries and - hey presto - my problem has disappeared !

This may be of interest to anyone who experiences the same issue - I am sure someone somewhere will understand why the Libraries fixed it - I certainly dont !

Thanks again for all your help.

Will report back if I get a recurrence.

Mike Ody

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