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Tree question


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I have bought and installed FTX Global Base Pack and HD Trees.  I set up FSX as recommended in the 'Trees HD manual.  The trees look great in

most geographical locations;  however I have a question about southern Chile, South America >> where are the trees ??  There are no trees (zero)

and no shrubs.   Is southern Chile actually that barren ?  Or have I missed something ? 

   Perhaps someone who has these FTX items installed could "saddle up" at SCCI and tell me what arboreal life see.  I would appreciate this very much.

BTW, the grasslands of southern Chile look great !!   Good thing,  LOL!!

   Two screen caps added for illustration.

Best to all,

Ken Boardman



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Hi Richard,

  If you load up a flight at SCCI you can check an area where I have witnessed the complete / total lack of trees,  anywhere for at least

50nm around SCCI (Punta Arenas, Chile) in all directions.  Some of it is water ~:)  Below are some screen caps of SCCI and also a

screen cap of SC1A (`bout 2000nm north of SCCI), also in Chile.  I'm trying to find out if this is normal for this part of the world,  or

if I have some sort of graphic rendering / auto-gen problem.  I have beautiful HD Trees elsewhere...

  I have set all of the manual's recommended FSX settings for FTX Global Trees HD .

Thank you,




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     The first 3 are P3D& FSX SCCI. Second 2 are SC1A also P3D& FSX. Taking away FTX Tress does not improve anything because FTX Trees is a replacement set that replaces Default, not provide more Trees. Yes, the area is lacking somewhat from GE and other imagery, although this may actually be reminiscent of the time the sim was made compared to imagery. If you Google Chile Drought there is a fair amount of info, I am not going to narrow that down to specifics sorry. SCCI is halfway there with vegetation whilst SC1A is devoid of it. This actually has nothing to do with Orbx software as such, as for the Water and various Texture issues that would appear to be a corrupt Terrain cfg, I have left the link to that for you to read, I completed this step and the texture issues disappeared. 










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Hi Richard,

  Thanks very much for looking into this,  and for the information and screen captures.

   I tried Holger's procedure and backed up / replaced my terrain.cfg file,  deleted the five shaders cache folders

and then ran FTX Central >> then tested FSX again in the SCCI area also .  Still no trees. 

   Because your FSX  screen caps showed at least a few trees near SCCI I'm puzzled and I don't know what to

try next.  BTW,  I did also try raising my FSX auto-gen setting to max but that made no difference either.

   Question:  should there be an FTX / Orbx Trees HD entry of some sort in my FSX scenery library hierarchy ?

If yes, where should it appear in the order ?  I don't see one at all.  FTX Central V3 shows Trees HD as "Installed".

Best regards,


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Hello Ken,

I am seeing pretty much the same as Richard around SCCI (Plenty of savannah scrub) (Not a glimmer of autogen in the area of SC1A because it is savannah land rising to desert scape beyond).  I have SC1A in a hole because I'm only using FTXGlobal Base and FTX TreesHD for these areas & I'm using FreeMeshX which only serves to enhance the hole with nice rockface texture but gives the surrounding landscape some very good definition. Incidently default FSX without mesh shows this airfield in a hole with grassy slopes as it is in your picture.


I trust you have installed the Latest OrbxLibraries,  ObjectFlow, and have Migrated with FTXCv3 and Orbx Direct.

These settings below may help with regard to trees/autogen, particularly around SCCI, but the area around SC1A and across the Atacama Desert and savannah will still unfortunately be lacking all autogen as it is a naturally barren landscape. Once you are into the greater mountain elevations above 9000ft you will begin to see autogen trees scattered among the high valleys and ridges.


Try these settings: Scenery complexity slider full right is essential along with an appropriate Autogen level.

FSX - Settings Display > Graphics tab > move slider full right - "Global Texture Resolution" : Very High

FSX - Settings Display > Scenery tab > move slider full right - "Scenery Complexity" : Extremely Dense

FSX - Settings Display > Scenery tab > move slider right - "Autogen Density" : Normal  or Dense or Very Dense


Heres a couple of pics.

Low scrub can be seen for miles around



Not a stick  for hundreds of miles, as expected in the savannah/desert. (Shame about the airfield - ADE to the rescue))


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I use Win 7-64 Richard.  Also use FSX Acceleration, Pilot Software's FS Global 2010, FTX Global Base, FTX Trees HD.

My PC hardware is Intel i7 930 @ ~4.0ghz,  NVidia GTX 960,  and 12gb RAM. 

Best regards,


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Hi Jeff,

  I have had my FSX Display settings primarily as you recommend.  I've changed them a bit for experimentation to see if the scrub appears near SCCI;

but then returned the settings to the recommended settings.  SCCI remains naked as a J'bird ~:)

  I also have hole in the ground at SC1A but the walls aren't as pretty as yours, LOL!!  I think I have a utility that's provided by the Pilot's software folks (FS Global 2010)

that can remedy the "holy" runways.  I haven't applied it to SC1A because I never intended to go there.  However I will see if I can find the utility

and apply it to SC1A.  Then I'll upload a screen cap if successful.  I also have a runway north of Anchorage, AK (PANC) that's on a very conspicuous

~200+ foot pedestal.  Not sure if the utility will fix that one but I'll look into it now while these things have my attention.

   I believe I have the latest ORBX libraries. Could it hurt if I reinstalled them just to be safe ?

   Don't know about installation of ObjectFlow, or Migration with FTXCv3 and Orbx Direct <     Can you explain how to verify and / or accomplish these things ?

Thank you,



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   Yes, it is a good idea to install the latest Libraries, if you choose, you may un- install FTX TressHD via the control panel in FTXCv3, re- boot your Pc and install the package again. If you made a backup, you can do that also from the original download. PILOTS 2010 Mesh is not on a support level here, I can only suggest you contact PILOTS via their Forum.


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I updated the Orbx libraries with latest version tonight Richard.  Also took your advice and uninstalled Trees HD, rebooted and reinstalled.  None

of those actions seemed to make a difference regarding trees in southern Chile (SCCI). Still no 3D vegetation.

  I found and installed two freeware sceneries that make the immediate area around SCCI look better (from a distance ~:)   Still no 3D trees, but

from 500' +  up the satellite imagery looks better than default (screen caps below).  One of the freeware sceneries provides the satellite imagery

and blends in (feathered) fairly well with the background.  The other freeware scenery I placed above the Sat. imagery in the FSX scenery

library hierarchy provides some 3D buildings and some additional (non real world) parking.  I'll need to acclimate myself to the auto-gen

car and truck traffic "4 wheeling" across the tundra,  but I'll "suck it up" until I figure out how to get some 3d trees / bushes / scrub planted

there.  The Satellite imagery freeware also includes the city about 15 nm south of SCCI,  and some nice coastline rendering.

   What is "Object Flow" that Jeff mentioned earlier in the thread?  He also wrote about Migration with FTXCv3 and Orbx Direct.  His statement was:

> " I trust you have installed the Latest OrbxLibraries,  ObjectFlow, and have Migrated with FTXCv3 and Orbx Direct " <  The only part of that which

I understand is of course the Orbx Library installation.

Best regards,





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