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Why doesn't Orbx do more bigger airports?

Lauren Arfman

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I'm fairly new to FSX(January), but have found myself addicted to it.  I love Orbx products as I've already purchased(global,vector, North America and trees)  I see there are a ton of rinky dink airports.  How come you don't do any big ones?  My guess is that you figure all of the other companies have done the big ones.     I see you recently added San Diego, and I'm contemplating it(although it's off the beaten path a little bit).  I'd love to see a Dallas or a Newark as they are my Virtual Airline Hubs!

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We moved away from bigger airports some years ago because the development time versus sales numbers were not stacking up.


However as our developers became more confident and efficient with larger projects we have been upscaling our projects somewhat, and you can see this with Jarrad Marshall's recent releases and the upcoming LOWI, Marcus's ESSA and also Matteo's KSAN.


So for sure, expect larger airports from Orbx as well and continuing the smaller characterful airports.

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