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Can't get out of the cockpit of this fabulous beast! My other aircraft are corroding in the hangar.

Thing is, it's not just a great looking bird, but it's such a fun thing to fly.

Here she is again, FL20 above Tamworth on the way to Brissie.

I guess other people like her too, with over 200 downloads at Ozx in a day and a half.

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The thing that worries me about this good aircraft is the reports of fps loss in the cockpit. I run fsx smooth with scenery sharpness compromised at times so it sort of sits on a knife edge of limits. This just may tip it over . Good paint.

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Other than that annoying ctd on shutdown, I find it extremely good on the system.

I'm slowly going through the books and will end up at the tutorial, so have a ways to go, but know enough to fly from point A to B without too much drama.

The FMS is very different to other aircraft. Haven't come to grips with it fully yet and the AP is a little strange but the level of detail surpasses everything that has come before it.

It's a work of art, mate.

If this is the pre-cursor to their 737 series, they are gonna have a winner there as well,


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Like the best software out there at the moment, they give you the option of running high end graphics on the guages and such via a control panel, so everyone's a winner.

Pity they don't have a demo, it would certainly change some doubting thomases eye's.


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I just love her, cant drag myself away from the Jetstream except to take a quick circuit in the A2A Cub.  Just loving Franks REX and Impulse repaints and when the PMDG paintkit is released shortly we apparently will see some more Aussie paints (Brindabella and Qantaslink), cannot praise it highly enough, it is perfect for FTX land!  ;)

Great shots btw mate!

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Mhmm. Flight level 200, no flight director on, inflight conditions are on top cloud, no fmc programmed and more. I thought such a complicated aircraft would be used in a proper way, rather than flying VFR in Class A airspace which is strictly not allowed.


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Mhmm. Flight level 200, no flight director on, inflight conditions are on top cloud, no fmc programmed and more. I thought such a complicated aircraft would be used in a proper way, rather than flying VFR in Class A airspace which is strictly not allowed.


Mhmm. New member, 2 posts. I would think a new member might be smart enough to read a few more posts before offering advice about other people's flying habits.

FYI- I have just finished painting 3 liveries for the J41 and was more interested in showing the external product and the new textures than learning to operate the aircraft "in a proper way".



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My thoughts exactly. This place is a community of various levels of "expertise" and interests . If I want to take a J41 and land it on highway in cbd Melbourne, I will. ( except I'll have to borrow Franks and I dont think he'll come at that )  :)

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Hey Frank, just got back for my summer break and i see your 3 livery, thanks very much.

BTW Frank you n00b learn to fly "in a proper way".  ;D  ;D::)  ::)  ::) , read the AOM on my hoils, not all just bits ,top of my "to do" list is doing good fight plans.

Will post when i have some all worked out and tested.

Thanks and Cheers Frank.

PS: The tutorial is great it was the first flight I did after getting home. I love the VNAV TOD fpm info, and useing the VS to match it.

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