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YMML again


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A few months ago 1 posted a topic on YMMl being really slow loading. Well got a new super computer and copied FSx on to it. everything worked so i went to YMML FTX and there was no change to the buildings no taxiways or Aprons no tunway markings. Can you please help. It could have been a problem with the file transfer from old computer to new.


YMML# FSS0025300

GOLD# FSS0037035

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Hi Calum, am I correct in that you have just dragged your old FSX/FTX installation across from another computer?

I would highly recommend that you install FSX/FTX properly and defrag the whole thing overnight, esp if you have new super-duper rig!

But none the less, post up a screenshot and your new system specs, as I am just shooting into the dark without knowing any details



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