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Setting primary display with multiple monitors


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I just reinstalled FSX (with Acceleration) again after a long break and I'm at a loss for finding a solution to this problem.  I have two displays, a 20" widescreen and a 17" 4x3.  The widescreen is set as the primary monitor for windows, and the desktop is extended onto the smaller one.

In FSX, I want to have the main view window filling the widescreen and only 2d panels on the smaller one.  The problem is that this works perfectly without the "DirectX 10 Preview" button checked.  If I turn on DX10, the game loads a view window onto the smaller display.  I can go to windowed mode, drag it over to the widescreen and go fullscreen again, but it seems to keep the 4/3 aspect ratio.

I'm using Windows 7, and both monitors are connected to an ATI HD 4870.

This is driving me crazy, but I guess I can live without DX10 features.

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