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Anti-Virus & "all in one" Security Suites - anyone tried ESET?


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I know, the hoary old perennial question of which anti-virus suite to install. I've actually tried lots of them - 'cause I'm a curious person -even the new Norton Anti-virus suite 2010 Beta - was on my PC for a while. I've actually been running "Avast!" free anti-virus for about a year & that seemed to work OK with minimal frame hit, although it isn't an anti-spyware program, so I have to use Spy Bot for that purpose....and Avast! shows up so many false positives on it's deep scan that I was getting very fed up with it. I took off Norton AV 2010 a week ago, and although it says it's pretty non-invasive - I was glad to be shot of it.

Recently I was scanning through a PC Pilot magazine & they seemed to "endorse" (through an advert :D) the Eset Smart Security4.0 suite, so I thought I'd give it a go. I have to say, (it's on trial) it does not seem to be too invasive & it works beautifully with my Windows 7.0 RC Build 7100. ;D

Sooo.... at the risk of opening yet another hornet's nest of "which is best?" I'd love to know if anyone's tried the ESET system, or if there are any opinions out there. I have 3 PC's, including a laptop & this would be a good solution if there is no performance hit with FSX, as it's an "all in one" system which I - (& more importantly ;)) & my wife don't need to worry about in terms of computer maintenance.

Cheers, Malcolm.

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OK then, I won't identify which is "the best", but can confirm that ESET is somewhat easier to use in a network system where all systems use Eset.  Kaspersky is my other product and this is, in mt opinion, less intuitive than Eset within the networked environment.  I purchased Eset 3, 3 user package, at a very good price and found out that you can upgrade the product to the latest Eset 4 because you purchase Eset for the year and are free to upgrade to the latest issue within your licenced timeframe.  I will surely be on the lookout at the end of my year's subscription for another deal like this. Excellent value for money.


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I have been using NOD32 for many years , I DON'T like the firewall inn the latest version because it is a bt of a pig to configure for those less savy but in auto it works.

ANYONE that relies on just one program has got to be asking for trouble, IMHO NEVER use a one shot deal for everything , why because if you do get a nasty that manages to sneak in under the radar it can potentially drop your protection completely.

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